

The LBD Trainer's Kit



Table of Contents

About the Authors

Reader's Comments




Presentation Overview

Teaching Objectives


Advertising Assistance

Price List


Contact Us


Phone: 480-981-1117


Lewy Body Dementia Association

Adobe House

University of Phoenix

Inland Northwest Alz Assn.

Presenters and Authors

Jim Whitworth

Caregiver and Surviving LBD Spouse

Co-founder of the Lewy Body Dementia Association (LBDA)

Member, LBDA Board of Directors

Helpline Responder

Regularly monitors caregiver and professional sites

"My first wife died with Lewy body dementia at a time when few people, including the medical community, knew much about it. I tried to tell the doctors about symptoms that didn't match Alzheimers and DID match what I'd researched about LBD but they said, 'Never heard of it!' and ignored me. Since her death in early 2003, I have made it my mission to increase awareness of LBD, both in the general public and in the medical community."

Helen Buell Whitworth, MS, BSN

Retired nurse, staff trainer,

public speaker and writer

2007 LBDA Volunteer of the Year

Former Parkinson's caregiver

"We make a great team, with Jim's experience and ongoing LBD research and my nursing, training and writing background. I love to teach and I have great fun doing this training with Jim. When trainers have fun, the students learn! And now we are puting my writing skills to work, making information about LBD available to more people. My goal is for the non-medical person to be able to undestand what we teach and write--and for medical professionals to learn at the same time. There is a great need for LBD knowledge in both of these groups.

The Whitworths live in Mesa, AZ and travel in the summer to Washington where they have family. They are willing to present their program in the Phoenix area and anywhere along their travel route.

Although Helen has a medical background, neither she nor Jim speak with medical authority. Rather, they both bring you a well-informed caregiver's point of view.

